Do you realize that some of the stress in your life comes from living in a world that increasingly threatens your feeling of safety and peaceful existence? And that you usually don't feel powerful enough or influential enough to make a difference--so you really don't put yourself out there it try to change the world? I mean, you are only one individual--how could you possible change the world? But if every person who wanted to make a difference didn't act on their true beliefs, then nothing would ever change. On the flip side, if every person who was inspired to act positively did so, then think of the world we could collectively create!
Your vote matters!
You have probably heard the slogan: Your vote matters! and it is true. But do you realize that you vote more regularly than on election day? To vote is to express an opinion, wish or choice. In that regard, you vote every time you buy something. Every time you state or act on your opinion. Every time you take a stance.
Your every day choices create your world
When you buy vegetables you vote for more vegetables to be available for you to buy. When you buy a sugary beverage, you vote for more sugary beverages to be available to buy. You have participated in the creation of the world that you live in by your choices. And you have the power to change that world if you are willing to choose outside the box of the status quo.
Seek and you shall find
Did you know that it doesn't take a lot of people to make a difference? But it does take purposeful action and proper timing for your actions to be effective. There was a book written in the 1990's entitled The Celestine Prophecy. It is a fiction book based on spiritual principles. One of the main concepts is that when you ask a question of the universe and expect an answer, a path ahead will present itself. You will know that you are on that path when you experience synchronicities. These are like ripples in the fabric of the universe. They are sign posts that you are moving in a direction that is in alignment with higher purpose. When you live this way, you can become more effective in your life and your life will begin to flow with more ease.
A small effort can create a big impact
I will give you an example from my own life. We just had a local election for commissioner that didn't turn out the way I had hoped. And it inspired me to act. The question that I posed was "How can I improve my local government?" And the answer that popped into my mind was to contact a local guy who is starting a grass roots petition to form a charter government to change the local government to a more equitable representation for all of the residents of the county. The problem with the movement had been that they need 10,000 signatures to get it on the ballot. I had the idea to use the opportunity of the local loss as a motivating factor in getting support for the new government. I messaged someone on Facebook who connected me with another local politician who wants to join the charter government cause. I messaged a couple of others in strategic positions and now there is a movement in that direction that is taking off on its own. Very little effort on my part--but the action and timing were everything in this instance.
Creating the world the way you want it
So what kind of world would you like to live in? How can your every day choices come into better alignment with this world you want to create? If you would like to change the food supply--how are you voting with your dollars? If you would like to have cleaner air--what kind of cleaners and chemicals are you buying? If you would like to live in a safer neighborhood, can you envision that happening for you where you currently live or would you need to move? Do you feel prompted to act to make a change? If you would like better health--what do your food and lifestyle choices look like? Are you eating real food as opposed to processed foods? Lots of healthy veggies? Are you getting professional wellness support?
Patience is a virtue when it comes to change
If you find yourself pushing for results, then it might be better to step back for a while. I heard Donald Trump say that he has waited for years to get a property that he has wanted to develop. It is like waiting for the apples to ripen on the tree rather than eating them when they are green and giving yourself a stomach ache!
Get an accountability partner
An important way to be sure that you make the changes that you desire in your life is to have someone who will support you. Many times it is best to have someone who can provide you with objectivity as well. Someone close to you is not always the best choice because they may be too close to you for objectivity or may likewise be invested in an outcome that is not exactly the same as what you desire. They also may not have the skills or expertise to coach you. This is actually why health coaching can be so effective, because a health coach can provide both the objectivity and accountability that is needed to make sustainable change. When working with a health coach results typically occur much more quickly than making changes on your own because of the personal support suited to your individual needs.
Do you want less stress in your life? Do you want to feel comfortable in your world? What do you want your world to look like? When you feel inspired--remember to act!
You have probably heard the slogan: Your vote matters! and it is true. But do you realize that you vote more regularly than on election day? To vote is to express an opinion, wish or choice. In that regard, you vote every time you buy something. Every time you state or act on your opinion. Every time you take a stance.
Your every day choices create your world
When you buy vegetables you vote for more vegetables to be available for you to buy. When you buy a sugary beverage, you vote for more sugary beverages to be available to buy. You have participated in the creation of the world that you live in by your choices. And you have the power to change that world if you are willing to choose outside the box of the status quo.
Seek and you shall find
Did you know that it doesn't take a lot of people to make a difference? But it does take purposeful action and proper timing for your actions to be effective. There was a book written in the 1990's entitled The Celestine Prophecy. It is a fiction book based on spiritual principles. One of the main concepts is that when you ask a question of the universe and expect an answer, a path ahead will present itself. You will know that you are on that path when you experience synchronicities. These are like ripples in the fabric of the universe. They are sign posts that you are moving in a direction that is in alignment with higher purpose. When you live this way, you can become more effective in your life and your life will begin to flow with more ease.
A small effort can create a big impact
I will give you an example from my own life. We just had a local election for commissioner that didn't turn out the way I had hoped. And it inspired me to act. The question that I posed was "How can I improve my local government?" And the answer that popped into my mind was to contact a local guy who is starting a grass roots petition to form a charter government to change the local government to a more equitable representation for all of the residents of the county. The problem with the movement had been that they need 10,000 signatures to get it on the ballot. I had the idea to use the opportunity of the local loss as a motivating factor in getting support for the new government. I messaged someone on Facebook who connected me with another local politician who wants to join the charter government cause. I messaged a couple of others in strategic positions and now there is a movement in that direction that is taking off on its own. Very little effort on my part--but the action and timing were everything in this instance.
Creating the world the way you want it
So what kind of world would you like to live in? How can your every day choices come into better alignment with this world you want to create? If you would like to change the food supply--how are you voting with your dollars? If you would like to have cleaner air--what kind of cleaners and chemicals are you buying? If you would like to live in a safer neighborhood, can you envision that happening for you where you currently live or would you need to move? Do you feel prompted to act to make a change? If you would like better health--what do your food and lifestyle choices look like? Are you eating real food as opposed to processed foods? Lots of healthy veggies? Are you getting professional wellness support?
Patience is a virtue when it comes to change
If you find yourself pushing for results, then it might be better to step back for a while. I heard Donald Trump say that he has waited for years to get a property that he has wanted to develop. It is like waiting for the apples to ripen on the tree rather than eating them when they are green and giving yourself a stomach ache!
Get an accountability partner
An important way to be sure that you make the changes that you desire in your life is to have someone who will support you. Many times it is best to have someone who can provide you with objectivity as well. Someone close to you is not always the best choice because they may be too close to you for objectivity or may likewise be invested in an outcome that is not exactly the same as what you desire. They also may not have the skills or expertise to coach you. This is actually why health coaching can be so effective, because a health coach can provide both the objectivity and accountability that is needed to make sustainable change. When working with a health coach results typically occur much more quickly than making changes on your own because of the personal support suited to your individual needs.
Do you want less stress in your life? Do you want to feel comfortable in your world? What do you want your world to look like? When you feel inspired--remember to act!
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